hey meg...i just got what you said last night about me staying here. i was kinda like um... sure but reading my last post i gotcha. :) I wont stay here i promise...this time anyway hehe. jk. What ever the Lord has. Anywho. So this one is going to be an update of some stuff i have been doing here. I have been in Bongolo for a week with a team from Indianapolis. It has been so wonderful to get to know them and to see them grow in such a short time.
Our job while the team is here in Bongolo is to paint the nursing school. We just finished today and it looks great and was a "breath of fresh air" as Lisa said. When we arent working we are either visiting missionaries, going into town or chilling in the jungle.
The other day we went to a water fall and hung out there for a while and then toward the end, we floated down the river (with snakes) and went into this little rain forest looking thing and it was legit straight out of a movie. it was pretty cool to see. None of us had any cameras though because we were swimming. there was this one part where papa Tim and the leader from the Indiana team, Matt, went down this little mini water fall thing to see if it was safe to go down and Matt got stuck under a log, so we didnt go that way. lol he was fine, but we just turned around and went back.
Some other crazy stuff...last night we had monkey for dinner. yea. monkey. It tasted like the smell from the zoo. yea. anyway so that was cool.
I have about a bagillion bites from different types of bugs.
lets see...what else...we are just doing every day stuff so nothing really crazy is happeneing. I mean its so great and living here is wonderful but its more like the country out here where as libreville is the city. Plus the rest of the family is back in Libreville so its kinda hard being here without them.
Not sure what else i want to include in this one... i have some other stuff i want to write about, but thats for the next post. praying for my church family back home as well. love you guys and miss you dearly.
Radical Together Review
13 years ago
Dear Mo (hee)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are having the time of your life! I'm thrilled for you (and a little jealous!!) It's so cool being out of all the noise of the states and being able to hang out at a waterfall! You make the amazing seem so everyday and remind us that our everyday is amazing because God is real. And no matter where we are we look up and see the same sky and serve the same God. Keep writing it all down Mo. Even if you think it's nothing, to us it's a postcard from the other side of the world! Be safe.
Love and prayers,
Your future mother-in-law :)
ReplyDeleteI was just catching up on your blog {and Beth's too} I'm so glad you chose to go to Bongolo...the one thing I regret we did not get to do last summer. What an experience! Everyone in Lancaster reacted quite strongly to Nathan's mention of your monkey dinner! Btw..how is Nathan treating you??? Tell him I said he must be nice all the time. Also, ask him if his family has ever forgotten about him and totally left him somewhere. Good story.
Praying for you all way over there today...
and give Nathan a HUGE hug from me, if that's not too weird! :)
ok, besides the fact that i just got the warmest feeling of home in a very long time when i saw you write mo, i am amazed at how encouraging you always are. thank you!
your future daughter in law :)
terri- trust me its not awkward! i love Nate so much already and we were having a BLAST in Bongolo together. unfortunately he has left me to go back with the team to Libreville. i do miss him dearly and he is treating me fine no worries. i would kill him otherwise ;). but the next time i see him, i will most definitely hug him for you. its been my pleasure to serve beside him so far this summer. :)