Monday, June 21, 2010

happy fathers day

I know I haven't done this in a while and I really am sorry, life just gets busy here :). instead of writing a normal blog this one goes out to my Dads. This may make you feel a little awkward when you read that for those of you who don't know me, no my Dad(s) arent gay ;).
First to my real Dad. Thank you for doing the best you could with what you knew how to. Its been hard for me to come to grips with why you love me so much and if there is one thing that I can attest to it would be that. Your love for me is indescribable and you can tell just by the look of comfort in your eyes every time you look at me. Your concern for me isn't annoying like every other child in the universe thinks it is, when you tell me to be careful or if I need something call, I know that deep within your heart you truly mean that. All throughout the years I have never once doubted your love for me. It never crossed my mind until recently when I started understand what love really was. Thanks Dad, I love you.
Peter. I say this all the time but you have taken me in like I was your own. The way you provid for me is unheard of with our kind of family situation. I am not sure why God has blessed me with such an amazing step dad but I am sure glad he did! The way you fight for me and care for me is incredible and I cant wait for my kids to see that part of our family. How someone can accept not one of “their own” and love them maybe even more than their own. (lets all face it, I am the favorite ;) haha just but really). I cant remember a time in my life where I didn't feel safe or cared for by you. Thank you for teaching me pretty much most of what I know. I love what our family represents, and normally its weird and hard to explain to people what our family is, but honestly, if you think about it, we are a community of people who are broken and trying to live in this world, helping each other along the way. When I started learning about community in school I thought it was a new concept that ive never experienced before. Now I realize that you have been showing us what that really looks like my entire life. What guy in their right mind does that. My amazing step dad thats who. Thanks for always fixing, listening, caring, loving, and saving me time and time again from stupid situations I got myself into. Cant wait to see my Dads when I get home! Love you both dearly and cant thank you enough for shaping my life and the person I am today. :)
p.s love you too mom :)

1 comment:

  1. What did you do stay up half the night trying to think of a way to make ME cry? Well it worked. Through everything we have been through, "the keys", the first bike ride, broken arm all the birthday parties, learning to drive(when did that happen :) ?), You showing us how to change, I've always had a special love for you. It's not something that I have to think about it is just there. I'm so proud of you and what God is doing in your life. As for the favorite part that is something you need to take up with your brother because as you know I try not to play favorites ;) Thanks for calling it made my day. Keep up the good work, stay safe and be strong. Love you and miss you, Peter
