Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hey mom, don't cry while reading this ok? Just wanted to say thanks for being my biggest fan and for supporting me in this even though you get the end shaft of the deal being so far away. Thanks for working your freaking butt off just so that I could do whatever my heart desired. Thank you for seeing something in me from day one and for loving me so much it hurt. You truly are the worlds greatest mom and I pity all the rest of the children in the world for not being able to call you their mother. I love and miss you. I wish you could see this stuff. I'll be home before you know it. Have a great day a work.
Love pooks
p.s now that you're balling don't forget to read the blog below this


  1. thanks for leaving her bawling with us ;),

  2. you guys really have to get her to stop doing that...then again she had been my whole life so i guess it will forever be that way :)
