Sunday, June 6, 2010


We are treated like celebrities here in Gabon. We get in the car and people yell out "WHITIES" from the streets and wave at us. Its pretty funny actually....
I dont think i blogged yesterday? I dont remember, these days are running together sort of. Lets start with Saturday...
Saturday we went to another mobile medical clinic where, instead of a nurse, i got to be a pharmacist! It was basically filling the prescriptions that Mama Janean was prescribing, but it was still fun. Afterward we went home and rested for a little bit before we went to the baptism. Baptism in Gabon is a much bigger deal then we make it in the states. See, to become a christian is something larger, and baptism is the sign of faith to the community. They go through a discipleship process and then get baptised in the ocean where everyone can come and watch. There were 25 all together and the excitment when they would come up on the beach was incredible. People would leap into their arms with praise, thanking God for the profession they just made. I will post some of the videos when i get back to the states. We have one week down and 9 to go :). After that we went to a high school soccer game and got to see some real soccer players ;). They were incredible for high school students and it was nice to experience. Oh goodness, on the way home from the game we were jamming out to some top gun soundtrack (HAHA) and papa tim turns down the music and goes...ok so we are going to give you some money and you have to go find yourselves some dinner...YES! I was PUMPED hahaha. We get back to the house and five of us go out and adventure into the neighborhood street venders to get some grub. We found chicken on a stick, grilled bananas and potatoes. We also had D'Gino of course which is a Gabonese thing i guess. Its delicious and its sort of like a carbonated pinapple juice. We came home and ate then some people started this massive puzzle which i wasnt really into just because i was kind of tired, so i read on the couch with some other peeps while the rest of us did the puzzle. We were all pretty tired so the convo was HYSTERICAL! "B.O. like woah" "crapped a brick" and some other stuff was just oh my goodness. We are having a great time if you couldnt tell :).
woke up, went to church, which was incredible. duh we are in Africa of course it was! The sermon was kickin' and we had a dance party so we could have corporate worship apart from the language barrier. They started dancing...oh by the way, all the African songs you hear or see on T.V we got to experience today. Its more beautiful in person though. You need to come to Africa to should be a mandatory thing in life...seriously....anyway they started dancing and pulling us in one by one, that is after Jon Marc started dancing with them :). So then we made this dance circle and it was a moment where we all looked at each other and realized...oh man we are in Africa. it was wonderful. After that we went to the baptism celebration and pastor Jacobs house where we were treated like royalty. We ate some African chow they danced and sang for the Lord, and it was some of the most beautiful singing i have ever heard. My favorite is listening to Ty sing to either me or to Jesus but this is a very close runner up. It was so beautiful to listen to. After, we came home and had a little girly time in mine and b holler's room. They started asking me about Ty and so i told them the story of how we came together ;). B holler and i kind of fell asleep sometime in between all of that though, and were woken up for dinner...well breakfast for dinner...yes! we had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner...we are in Africa i know hahaha.then we had a debrief prayer time and watched Dan In Real life in our homemade movie theater. The summer is kickin so far. We are going to the Bongolo Hospital where we wont be able to use the internet so i will be out of service until next sunday...we leave tuesday so i will probably post one more post after this one. I kind of want to make it about something that God has been teaching me, but i am still trying to find the "right" words. It makes sense in my head, i just have a hard time getting it out so that other people understand it. I will do my best though :). its 7 your time so i am going to call some of you soon...hopefully. Lord willing the internet is strong enough :). Praying God shows up for you. love
bryan(haha funny story...the Africans CAN NOT pronounce my name to save their life, and some of them think i am saying thats cool haha)


  1. I am so happy you are enjoying your adventures in Africa! It sure does'nt sound like the Africa you hear about on the news! Looking forward to hearing about the Bongolo Hospital Trip maybe this time you can be the nurse! haha !! As far as writing the right words are there wrong words when your writing about your experiences with Jesus! How many times I have walked away from someone in a synagouge after talking to them about Jesus and saying to myself where did that knowledge come from or those specific words because I sure didn't know that! Let him give you the words you can be sure they won't be wrong! Love ya pooks and praying for all the people that you touch their hearts! Hey, I want to hear Ty sing !!!!!
    Have a great week!

  2. Wow, what a ride! Africa is a blast!. I'm thrilled that you are with great people and everything is going so well. I'll keep praying for you. As for writing, don't think just write. We'll get it.:-)

  3. See I don"t even know how to spell synagogue and I am in one everyday !! Ha Ha

  4. thank you so much for the encouragement mom. Thanks for being my number one supporter. LOVE YOU!! and you will have to come to Nyack to hear him sing! :)
    and to my future mother in law...i am writing...thats all i have to give at the moment so he is going to have to be my fingers :).
