Sunday, May 30, 2010

36 hours later...

we made it!!
We woke up at 330 n saturday to catch the 630 flight to Philly! We catch the shuttle to the airport and our luggage barely fit, but none the less we made it :). Then we had to wait in line because U.S Airways didnt open until 445 so we had to rush through security and get to the gate because they were already boarding! Thankfully Drew got his ticket because we showed up and it came up as canceled but after a few phone calls everything worked out all right. Our flight was fine and we had about a 4 hour layover in philly which was nice to walk around to get our feet moving again. We made our last phone calls and said our goodbyes and were on our way! We got on the plane to germany, i took some advil PM and i was out! :). I slept for most of the flight so it went by fairly quickly. We landed in Germany and they made us go through security all over again. It was so strange though, everything, and i mean everything, was directed. You couldnt even pick up your own bin to put your stuff in. The bathrooms were different and reminded me a lot of star wars how the doors opened hahaha. So we caught our flight to Africa and made a stop somewhere that is slipping my mind. Pretty much everyone got off and we had this huge plane to ourselves for 2 hours. We got to the airport and met Tim and Meredith to get into the vans. We loaded our luggage and one of the vans wasnt starting so they had to push start it...I love my life. I on the other hand was in the van where the sliding door didnt work so we had to climb and jump through the passenger side. I love it already. After about a 20 min drive we made it to the compound, which is gorgeous i might add. So its about 7 in the morning here and i couldnt sleep all that long so im gonna try and sleep some more. We are going to the beach all day today to relax and get to their schedule. What a better way to do that :). Hope this is making you smile mom :). Love you and miss you guys.


  1. So excited for you and praying!!!!

  2. AHHHHHH! This is SO exciting to read about! I'm LEGIT stoked to be reading this! Love you Mariah! Still praying! Praise Jesus YOUR FINALLY THERE! :)

  3. AMEN! thank you both so much for praying and reading, but mostly for praying ;)
