Thursday, August 5, 2010

o me of little faith

hey Mom! I am going to be in a village sleeping under mosquito nets and the stars, so I probably wont talk to you before i get to the states. We are pretty filled next week so I might blog, but im not sure. We are in the village until saturday night. Skype isnt working but i need a favor. I have fallen in love with reading this summer so can you get me a book for vacation please? Its called "O Me Of Little Faith" and I cant remember who wrote it, but its new this year. If you cant find it dont worry about it, i just got to read a little bit of it and its really good so i wanted to read the rest :). Thanks mom love you!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that title will be easy to remember! I will try to find that for you!We can read while the boys are fishing! Ian graduated from college! He had his last exam on thursday!Praise the LORD!He can start his new life!Love ya and bring me home an African stamp! Thanks MOM
